- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

39% of Americans are Idiots and Support Joe Biden

So what exactly is there to support about Joe Biden and his destructive policies?

President Disaster currently has a job approval rating of 39% according to a new NBC poll [1], his lowest mark so far.

So what exactly is there to like?

Are these supporters sadists who are happy to see crime going up and police being attacked and ran off the job?

Happy to see a reduction of doctors, nurses, EMS workers and firefighters across the country?

Happy to see moms not able to find formula to feed their kids?

Happy to see the border being overrun and a record number of Fentanyl overdoses?

Happy to see $6 a gallon gas?

Happy to see people not being able to afford food and needed items at the grocery store, especially those on fixed incomes?

75% of the country says we are headed in the wrong direction. 

The other 25% apparently dream of becoming a third world country with no cars, no jobs, no justice system and government checks in the mail every week. 

They are fine with Americans suffering, having no availability of needed resources and retaining no constitutional freedoms.

In the poll, 65% of adults tell NBC that their family’s income is falling behind the cost of living. 

And no, that’s not because of any Putin price hike.

That is the Biden price hike that started on the day he was inaugurated. 

And just like when Obama was in office, we have to do our best to ride out the storm and hope we make it to a safe landing spot after he is gone.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on May 19, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.