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Biden Poll Proves Trump Best President Ever

There was a recent poll on how Joe Biden is doing his job for America. It said, “that only 39% of adults in the United States approve of Biden’s performance as president. Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier. Those drops were concentrated among Democrats, with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.

Biden’s overall approval among Democrats sits at 73% which represents a drop from 82% in the same poll last year. Biden never dropped below 82% approval among Democrats in 2021. Last year, the same Associated Press poll showed Biden with an approval rating of 63%, 24 points higher than his approval rating today.

Additionally, only 18% of Americans say that Biden’s policies have helped more than they have hurt the economy, which is down from 24% in March. Meanwhile, 51% of Americans say his policies have hurt more than they have helped with 30% saying he hasn’t made a difference one way or the other.” That’s what Fox news says.

I’m not no political scientist or man who ever made a living in politics. I’m an average American who runs a small business in the Midwest. Got a wife and two kids and what I know about this comes from common sense..

If Biden is this unpopular then the other guy, the rightful president who he cheated and stole the 2020 election from, must be just as popular the other way round.

If you take that and remember what President Trump did for America like keeping us out of foreign wars, making the economy good, helping working people, guarding the border, whupass on our enemies, and fighting back against Democrats and the New World Order, he stands up and proud as the best president we ever had.

Fox again, “That 7-point advantage is up from 2 points last month and is the largest Republicans have held this year. Fox News models suggest this would be a 44-seat swing in the House and an 11-seat swing in the Senate. ‘The congressional ballot numbers are highly correlated with changes in the partisan distribution of seats,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democratic pollster Chris Anderson. “They may bounce around quite a bit in the next few months, but if we see a 7-point Republican advantage in the national vote this fall, we’re going to see a wave election for the GOP.’ ”

Some might say traitors like Mitch “the bit**” McConnell or other RINOS are responsible for the Republican winning number. But no, that’s all Trump because people remember his MAGA and want it back. In 2024 there gonna get it. MAGA Baby!

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on May 24, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.