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Gas Prices Hurting Regular Americans

It may not be a big deal to rich people or rich politicians like Joe Biden, but average Americans are losing their shirts at the gas pumps.

I’ve got two trucks that I use for my small business that run on diesel and because of the price of gas now it makes me have to save in other areas like taking my family out for pizza or burgers. This isn’t right.

We work hard and this is what we get from Washington and the elites. When Trump was president this didn’t happen. During then Americans were paying half of this at the gas pump. Thanks Joe Biden. Thanks a lot.

“All 50 states had a national retail price over $4 a gallon on Thursday, according to AAA, with Oklahoma offering the cheapest gas at $4.03 a gallon and California offering the most expensive gas with an average of $6.06,” said the American Automobile Association Monday. But Biden thinks it’s okay because he wants to take away our cars and trucks.

“Here’s the situation.  And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” said Biden.

“And what I’ve been able to do to keep it from getting even worse — and it’s bad.  The price of gas at the pump is something that I told you — you heard me say before — it would be a matter of great discussion at my kitchen table when I was a kid growing up.  It’s affecting a lot of families,” Biden said. That don’t mean anything.

“But we have released over two hundred and, I think, fifty-seven thousand — million barrels of oil, I should say. Us and the rest of the world we convinced to get involved. It’s helped, but it’s not been enough,” he added. Yeah man, not enough.

“Let me first say that Americans are paying a higher price at the pump because of the actions of President Putin,” then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in March. “This is a Putin spike at the gas pump, not one prompted by our sanctions.” Then they tried to blame Putin. Why don’t they just leave him alone?

Some Republicans know what’s going on. “They’re saying the quiet part out loud now. They’re causing you pain at the pump because it’s all part of their radical agenda,” said Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La.

Ted Cruz too, “While the Biden Administration and Members of Congress fault the domestic oil and gas industry for sitting idle on over 9,000 drilling permits and millions of acres in ‘inactive leases’, NMFS’s permitting delays represent one example of the Administration’s de facto ban on new drilling – impeding domestic oil and gas investment, exploration, and production,” the senator wrote.

“It is unacceptable that agency miscalculations have restricted access to safe, secure, and reliable domestic oil and gas production through substantial, unnecessary, and arbitrary permitting delays,” he added.

“I blame Biden for all lack of production. He has scared away investment,” energy analyst Steve Milloy told FOX Business last week. Biden finds “any excuse to not drill. They even tried to use the social cost of carbon decision to stop leasing.” We need oil and gas and we need it now. Open up the drilling Joe!

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on May 24, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.