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President Disaster Gets Fact Checked by “The White House.” Who’s Behind the Curtain?

So who is running the show in America? 

President Biden stepped in it again the other day when he promised to respond militarily if China attacked Taiwan.

Immediately, while the president was still on stage, his handlers started walking back what he said. 

Fox News’ Dana Perino said on The Five that there were folks in the Biden administration grabbing their phones and clarifying Biden’s comments before he even got off the stage.

So there was no consulting with the president. They didn’t pull him aside to ask, “did you really mean that?”

That means Biden’s not in charge.

Nope. THEY were the ones to decide what the narrative was.

But who are “they”?

Who is in charge of The White House? Because it certainly isn’t Biden.

I still contend that Obama is the puppet master. 

But his cult followers are so in tune with him, I doubt Obama really has to call any meetings or gatherings together with his minions more than about once a month to tell them what to do. They automatically know what to do – what is expected of them.

They have their marching orders to destroy the country. They’ve had them since 2009.

The Biden Harris (Obama) administration folks know what they need to do without even being asked.

But if there is any doubt, Obama has go-betweens including Susan Rice and Ron Klain to make sure that the ship sails in the right direction.

Of course, the question has always been – who is running Obama?

I haven’t figured that one out yet but it’s certainly not someone from America because the democrats have been on a fast-track anti-America trajectory since Obama became president.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on May 25, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [1] and is used by permission.