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Star Trek Franchise Goes Leftist

Star Trek was one of the first TV shows to go woke – but in a good way. They portrayed a world which not only had different colors of humans working together, they also had different species together.

They showed everyone a view of the future that could exist – but it wasn’t preachy. It just was the way it was. They didn’t really make a big deal about it. The show even had a black female as one of the main characters, heralding equality for women.

But Star Trek has recently decided to position themselves squarely in the middle of the democrat party. [1]

The franchise is apparently being ran by a group of woke idiots who want to tick off half of their viewers by being political.

The newest Star Trek series called “Strange New World” in Star Trek: Discovery’s fourth season is shown on Paramount+ and is giving voice to democrat ideology.

According to PJ Media, the first blatant example of their chosen ideology happened when they had former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams appear on the series in a cameo during the end of the episode called “Coming Home.” 

She appears as the President of Federation of Planets. Yes, the president. Looks like election fraud is alive and well outside of our universe as well as in the United States.

Michelle Paradise, Star Trek Executive Producer said, “When the time came to start talking about the president of Earth, it seemed like, ‘Well, who batter to represent than her?’””

Yes, who better indeed than a whiny and failed democrat candidate? Abrams has predicted that she’ll be president by 2040 so her appearance on the show gave her a jump start on that illusion.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the series talks about the Jan. 6th capitol riot and blames it for a second civil war [2] and destruction of the planet, including the eradication of 600,00 species of animals and plants and 30% of the earth’s population.

Really, leftists?? 

What happened to the episode that shows how a rogue human in the Federation named “Hillary” lied and spied on another ship to try to take them out? Hm…. I guess that show didn’t make the cut.

The Star Trek franchise has decided to boldly go where they haven’t gone before and I don’t think it’s going to end well for them. Star Trek, since it’s beginning, has given voice to cultural and societal issues but they have never chose political sides until now.

Because Star Trek isn’t able to get the show on regular network television (or even cable), they are are on Paramount+ and people have to pay to watch the show. 

I really don’t think they’re going to get too many conservatives to actually pay for the leftist crap they are dishing out.

Will the show live long and prosper this way? I don’t think so.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on May 19, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [3] and is used by permission.