- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Pres. Biden Suggested He Had No Idea About Baby Formula Shortage

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden addressed the American people about the growing shortage of baby formula that has grown into a full-blown crisis. While families have struggled already with inflation and gas prices, many parents were forced to buy whatever formula that they could find. On top of that, there were numerous videos uploaded showing some hoarding baby formula or even driving hours on end just to find no formula left. But although Americans have been fighting to find formula for the last few months, President Biden admitted that he didn’t know about the problem until it was too late. 

Speaking to reporters about the shortage, President Biden said, “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of the shutdown of one facility.” While trying to make an excuse for the lack of government help on the matter, as mentioned above, there have been dozens of reports on the growing crisis. Both CNN and Fox News have both done segments, articles, and interviews surrounding the baby formula shortage, yet according to Biden, he knew nothing about it. He was sure to add, “We’re going to be, in a matter of weeks or less, getting significantly more formula on shelves.” 

It should be noted that Biden claimed he knew nothing about the shortage even after one of the largest providers of baby formula in America, Abbott Laboratories, had their factory close down due to contamination claims. An investigation found that the site close down was not the cause of the contaminated formula. 

Users online had their own take on why President Biden didn’t know. “By HIS order, our government is and has been buying up all of the baby formula it can get its hands on and having it shipped to Mexico where the shelves are OVERstocked…and he didn’t realize that would be a problem?”

Another person wrote, “The baby formula shortage was caused by Joe Biden taking America’s Baby Formula and sending all the remaining baby formula to the border for the illegals and telling American babies.”

Even one executive close to the issue explained, “We knew from the very beginning this would be a very serious event.”