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Younger Generation Is Pro-Life, Rejects Baby Killing

Kristan Hawkins is the president of Students for Life America. Hopefully she will live in an America free of the slaughter of innocents.

Hawkins: In getting rid of the confusion and injustice of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, cases that together have allowed more than 63 million lives to be lost to abortion, the Supreme Court hasn’t really launched a revolution – no matter what Planned Parenthood and company are saying today.

The Dobbs decision is more like a factory reset in which all the legal settings are restored to their constitutional design.

Abortion was not written into the Constitution in invisible ink only to be “discovered” by seven men in 1973. And since the Supreme Court is supposed to be focused on what’s actually in our documents, it was common sense of the “don’t run with scissors” variety that Roe had to go. Consider that our founders prioritized “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as goals among other inspirational rights – opportunities that are impossible to experience if you’re not alive.

Many are focusing on this line in the decision: “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” But even more exciting to those of us engaged legislatively is the line that “protecting the life of the unborn” is a legitimate state interest in health and safety regulations.

A legitimate state interest in our lives has led to all kind of laws from speed limits to opioid restrictions. Given the dangers and health risks of abortion to women and certainly to the preborn, states have a right to act to preserve and protect the preborn and their mothers. And many pro-life groups are lining up to help.

For the engaged millennial and Gen Z activists that I lead in a 50-state operation, it means bringing the abortion debate to a state capital near you. Americans’ desire for less abortion is well documented. Earlier this year, an SFLA’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement poll found that 8 in 10 millennials and Gen Z wanted to vote on abortion policy – something Roe prevented.

Because more than 9 in 10 abortions take place by 12 weeks, Students for Life Action will prioritize early abortion limits, like protection at conception, heartbeat, and chemical abortion pill bills. With Roe’s false viability line gone, we can finally help many who can’t yet live outside the womb.

Before Roe, most states had limits on abortion and already 13 states are ready to restore humane policies. But there are still things to be done at the federal level. Just ask President Biden, who within hours of the decision rushed to say he wants to “codify Roe,” which allowed abortion through all nine months, and to expand chemical abortion pill distribution despite the fact that it’s an abusers’ dream drug and can cause women injury, infertility and even death…

This transition to a more life-affirming culture will require struggle and commitment. Today’s generation has been made to feel that those who are not perfect enough are disposable, and that people are the problem, instead of the solution with incredible potential.

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on June 27, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [2] and is used by permission.