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Republicans Want Answers From Hunter Biden’s Financial Adviser

The political noose is closing on Hunter Biden, just in time for the midterms.

Fox: “House Republicans are demanding answers from President Biden’s son Hunter’s financial adviser Edward Prewitt regarding his business deals, which have been flagged as suspicious by banks.

Biden has been under federal investigation for his tax affairs predicated by suspicious foreign transactions since 2018, and President Joe Biden has repeatedly denied discussing Hunter’s business ventures with him.

The president’s son’s questionable business dealings, conducted by himself, his associates, and other Biden family members, have been flagged and reported by U.S. banks.”

“More than 150 transactions from the Bidens’ business dealings have been flagged by U.S. banks through filings of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Text messages show that Hunter Biden was aware of these SARs and took steps to avoid detection in his financial dealings,” writes Republican Rep James Comer.

“Information reviewed by Committee Republicans reveals you were advising Hunter Biden on financial transactions when U.S. banks were flagging suspicious activity by the Biden family. As Hunter Biden’s financial advisor, you are in a unique position to know how these transactions originated and why they were flagged by U.S. banks. As such, we request information regarding Hunter Biden’s financial transactions, including any documents related to SARs,” continues the congressman in the letter.

“Hunter’s ‘money trail,’ which he says incude “many complex, international transactions worth millions of dollars. The American people deserve to know the President’s connections to his son’s business deals, which have occurred at the expense of American interests and may represent a national security threat,” writes Comer.

In related news, the former Attorney General has suspicions on this regarding the FBI. Matthew Whittaker: “I’ve said several times that Chris Wray needs to get this partisan nature and any political bias out of the FBI. In this example, this FBI agent that Chuck Grassley is asking questions about had very derogatory social media postings, which it makes no sense why an FBI agent would be on social media doing politics, but was and so these are the kind of things that raise questions. I think Chuck Grassley is absolutely right, and my point as well is that the FBI and the Department of Justice need to be above politics. Right now, especially this Jan. 6th investigation, and the Biden investigation, appear to have a partisan tint to it, and it’s not good for the rule of law and the long-term success of the Department of Justice.”

Republican Senator Ron Johnson agrees, “It’s their playbook,” he said of Democrats in power. “Let me first thank the whistleblowers for coming forward. We need a lot more whistleblowers inside the FBI, Department of Justice, the federal health agencies. If we are going to restore credibility to these agencies, we need to know the truth.”

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on July 28, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.