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Biden Selling Out American Workers To China

Beijing has a man in the White House and his name is Joe Biden. Senator Marco Rubio breaks it down.

Rubio: “Beijing Biden” is beginning to seem an appropriate nickname. No, I am not talking about Hunter, but the “Big Guy” himself.

President Joe Biden struck a tough tone on China during his first address to Congress. Puffing out his chest, Biden bragged that he told China’s Marxist dictator the United States “will defend America’s interests across the board.” But 15 months later, it is increasingly clear the president’s policies are helping Beijing far more than Scranton—even as China threatens the U.S. Speaker of the House with military force. Just look at what is happening in Congress this week.

With Biden’s blessing, Senate Democrats will vote to give massive tax breaks for electric batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines manufactured in China. The taxes are part of the Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” a 725-page boondoggle that will increase taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars in the middle of a recession they created. It would also “turbocharge” the administration’s Green New Deal with $369 billion in American taxpayer dollars. Apparently “decarbonizing all sectors of the economy” is expensive.

Some of the bill’s most notable provisions include consumer tax credits for rooftop solar, $7,500 tax credits for new electric vehicles, and other similar incentives. What do those things have in common? In a word, China. The communist regime produces more than 80 percent of the world’s solar-grade polysilicon and 76 percent of the globe’s electric battery production.

In other words, Democrats believe America cannot go green without Beijing. And China’s domination of these key industries means Chinese companies—not American businesses—will benefit from the new incentives. What’s more, the plan actually increases taxes on American manufacturers by more than $150 billion. Why would the president do this?

It’s a good question. After all, he campaigned on using the “full power of the federal government to bolster American industrial and technological strength and ensure the future is ‘made in all of America’ by all of America’s workers.”

The truth is that President Biden—or the people actually running his administration—believe the world is melting. “Climate change is literally a clear and present danger,” the president said last month while standing in front of a shuttered coal plant. He truly believes it is an “existential threat.” And some elected Democrats even think the “world will end” by 2030.

If you believe that mankind is on the verge of extinction, I guess it makes sense you’d send a bunch of money to Beijing in a Hail Mary attempt to save the planet from destruction. But to use a famous phrase, that’s just malarkey. Even the most aggressive warming models don’t justify such alarmism…

Your tax dollars are going to Beijing, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases—and a regime whose state propagandist just suggested killing Nancy Pelosi—in the name of saving the planet. That means some guys in China and Wall Street are getting rich at your expense, and every single Democrat in Washington is going along with the scheme.

This piece was written by Jim Gunner on August 3, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette [2] and is used by permission.