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The Leaking Trump-Hating Government is a Disgrace

So everything is of important secret-ness with the Biden-Harris administration when it comes to going after Trump. They don’t want to release the affidavit for the Trump raid, they can’t tell us what they took out of Mar-a-Lago in their boxes, they won’t release the video of all of the events at the Capitol on January 6th… Everything is about national security and is classified and top secret.

But only when they say it is.

They are frauds. You are shocked, I know.

When it suits their needs, the democrats will leak whatever they want to for their friends in the media in order to control the narrative. They hand out information for THEIR side of the argument with no due process for the other side – kinda like the Jan. 6th hearings.

I am currently involved in two FOIA requests to get information on investigations into shady things my local government is doing. And guess what? Both of them have cited the fact that they can’t release any information to me because they are ongoing investigations. Well.. isn’t THAT convenient for them. They CAN release the information they want out in the public while at the same time not be questioned about their own tactics or doing anything illegal in pursuit of their investigations until it’s all over.

It’s just like the many FOIA requests that Judicial Watch and others have done to get federal government documents. Quite often those requests are ignored, some are fought, some are released months or years later when it doesn’t matter anymore. The governments, at every level, will hide what they want to hide and release what they want to release.

When the government releases information to help their side, it’s all good. They can release what they want and it won’t hurt their investigation. But if WE need the information, it’s a risk to the entire justice system. The world will end as we know it.

So the government will give us information about the Mar-a-Lago raid but only what they want to give us. And they’ll release negative information about interviews with Trump attorneys and talk about their lawsuits and investigations into Devin Nunes, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani and all of the other Trump-related individuals that they are targeting.

Nothing is confidential if the government doesn’t want it to be – even during an investigation. They have all of the power on their side. They are the power, just like the democrats have always planned for.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on August 18, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [1] and is used by permission.