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Deaths In Australia Climb Well Above Historic Average – The Guardian Blames COVID?

While death is a part of life, in Australia, experts are somewhat perplexed when data showed that the number of deaths has increased significantly over not just previous years but the historic average. Just looking at 2022, the number of deaths that happened before June 30, 2022, was 92,699. When looking at the historic average, that is a staggering 17.1% increase. Breaking down to just a single month, In June of 2022, there were 16,749 deaths in Australia. Again, that bypassed the average by 2,410 deaths. Another 16.8% increase.

Examining the graph, which are displayed below, Australia recorded that between June 2021 and June 2022, there were 174,318 deaths not attributed to COVID-19. Over that same period, the total deaths, with COVID-19, equaled 180,927. Although many countries warn about the dangers of COVID-19 and the importance of getting the drug made by Pfizer and Moderna, Australia’s data shows only 6,609 people died from COVID-19. A little less than 8,000 were said to have died from COVID-19-related symptoms.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Provisional Mortality Statistics Jan – Jun 2022
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Provisional Mortality Statistics Jan – Jun 2022

Although the data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics [1] show an alarming trend, just a few days ago, The Guardian [2] suggested COVID-19 was the cause of the increase. They even defined what constitutes a COVID-19 death. “Deaths due to Covid account for the vast majority of deaths during the pandemic and include any death where Covid was considered to be the underlying cause of death. This includes deaths that had other associated conditions listed on the death certificate, such as pneumonia due to Covid or pre-existing chronic conditions. Covid-related deaths include deaths where the person either died with Covid or had complications from a previous Covid infection, but the virus was not the underlying cause of death. Importantly, the ABS said that while Covid did not directly cause the death of these people, it was still considered to have contributed to the death.”

Again, some experts were torn over the data, like Professor Roger Byard, who is a forensic pathologist, presented other opinions. He noted, “You’ve got the whole spectrum of Covid causing the disease [listed as the cause of death], Covid contributing to the disease, and Covid not being related to the disease, and there’s grey zones in all of those areas.”

An epidemiologist, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, added, “It is possible that the increasing number of deaths where Covid-19 is listed as a co-morbidity rather than a contributing factor to death is simply because the prevalence of Covid is so high, so there are more people who are already dying who are categorized as having Covid-19. It’s also possible that this indicates a reduction in the overall severity, perhaps due to vaccination, and that what’s happening is that Covid-19 is then less fatal than before.”

Not necessarily picking sides, users online proposed their own idea, suggesting, “There is a deep state global depopulation agenda in full swing!”

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on October 3, 2022. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [3] and is used by permission.