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RINO Karl Rove Supports Democrat Josh Shapiro As Doug Mastriano Viewed As Extreme

While there have been numerous politicians who believe they have what it takes to fix some of the problems in America, to win elections, there is one thing needed – money. Funding is as important as what a candidate will say on stage. That’s why people like Karl Rove and his American Crossroads Super PAC are so important come election time. But while Rove might promote the GOP and key Republicans, he recently discussed Doug Mastriano, who is running for Governor of Pennsylvania, and noted that the candidate was “extreme.” Not only that, the Super PAC released an ad criticizing senatorial candidate John Fetterman. Although a Democrat, the ad surprisingly promoted Mastriano’s opponent, Attorney General Josh Shapiro, at the same time.

Throughout the Trump administration, many phrases were coined to help identify those who didn’t align themselves with the GOP. Hiding amongst the party, these politicians, like Liz Cheney, are often referred to as RINOs. And it didn’t take long for Rove to get such a title as Jack Posobiec tweeted, “Karl Rove is the snake we always knew he was. He’d rather launch wars in the Middle East and send our jobs to China than actually do anything to help the American people. He knows how his story ends.”

When it comes to Doug Mastriano, he aligns himself with former President Donald Trump [3] and the idea that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Much like Trump and his supporters, Mastriano believes that the election process was tampered with, allowing the entire election to be stolen from Trump and the American people. Being a state senator in Pennsylvania, Mastriano has made his opinion well known. Back in May [4], he spoke at an event where he suggested that America “had become such a dark, evil place” over the 2020 election, but he added – “We have the power of God with us. We have Jesus Christ that we’re serving here. He’s guiding and directing our steps.”

Around the same time Mastriano made his comments, Josh Shapiro, who is now running against the Republican, paid for an ad that supported Mastriano. The ad simply suggested that “if Mastriano wins, it’s a win for what Donald Trump stands for.” While not bashing or criticizing Mastriano, Shapiro’s campaign spent more on the ad than the entire TV budget of his opponent. But why exactly did Shapiro support the retired Army colonel? Due to Shapiro’s campaign believing it would be easier to beat Mastriano than another candidate.

With the 2022 midterm taking place on November 8th, the current polls show [5] Josh Shapiro controlling the state with 50.3% of the votes. With an 8.7% difference, Mastriano is trailing with 41.6% of the votes. But then again, anything can change at any given moment.