- Drew Berquist - https://www.drewberquist.com -

Covid Shots Every Two Months? I Don’t Even Change My A/C Filter that Frequently – Vince Coglianese

“The vaccine does not, unfortunately, stop you from getting COVID. The majority of people who have died recently from COVID have been vaccinated. But there’s a still telling you to take it every year. But then suddenly, with no explanation, that recommendation has changed. The HHS Secretary, Javier Becerra, just made this announcement quote, if it’s been over two months since your last dose, make a plan to get one now.” – Tucker Carlson

“… they keep pushing you towards shots and never towards a treadmill. Like the one thing that could actually stop COVID from killing people is if people lose weight, and they never talk about it, all they talk about is the thing that has made Pfizer and Moderna the richest they’ve ever been” – Vince Coglianese

This piece was written by Red Voice Media on December 1, 2022. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [1] and is used by permission.