Several states across the nation are processing the results for primary elections and have encountered significant issues with mail-in ballots, as many had predicted would be the case.

An election in New York took six weeks to determine the winner because of flaws related to the mail-in process, and now an even more troubling issue has occurred in both Michigan and Nevada.

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Officials in Michigan have reportedly rejected nearly 11,000 votes from an early August primary.  The stated reasoning for at least 846 of those rejections, were because the voter was dead.

Several other issues, including voters not signing the ballot or having moved to a new address after submitting it were flagged as well.

Meanwhile in Nevada, more than 223,000 mail-in ballots were undeliverable and more than 300,000 were returned to the post office.  The combined amounts accounted for nearly half of the reported 1,325,934 ballots sent out.

According to the data, only 53,129 of the returned ballots belonged to individuals identified as Republican voters, while the vast majority were registered Democrats or unaffiliated voters.

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Earlier this week Cal Thomas raised the alarm about mail-in voting, citing a Heritage Foundation report that determined the United States Postal Service has misplaced as many as 28 million mail-in ballots over the last decade.

PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams echoed Thomas’ concerns by saying “putting the election in the hands of the United States Postal Service would be a catastrophe. Over the recent decade, there were 28 million missing and misdirected ballots.”

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This issues that we are seeing in primaries across the nation, and have seen in other local elections throughout the year, such as instances of animals receiving mail-in ballots, is why conservatives and rational-minded Americans alike have serious concerns about the legitimacy of the November presidential election.

Should the Democrats get their way of forcing mail-in voting in a widespread manner, the election stands to be ripe with fraud and could take months to determine the winner, which certainly will not help ease the ongoing tension and political divide in America.