The media has set its spotlight on the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin since Jacob Blake was shot seven times by police while resisting arrest. Blake was paralyzed and instantly became a symbol for the BLM movement as so-called “peaceful protesters” poured into the city. What appeared to come with them was civil unrest, riots, and murder, leaving many to criticize city officials. According to Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, the influx of crime isn’t from citizens but largely from out-of-town perpetrators.

With protests lasting over a week, the Kenosha Police Department arrested a total of 175 people. Of that group, 102 of them listed addresses outside of Kenosha and in over 40 different cities. Chief Miskinis also told reporters during the press conference that many protesters were also charged with drug possession, breaking curfew, and even carrying illegal firearms.

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The facts in the last paragraph alone would lead one to believe city officials would want to take back their city and restore order. Wrong! If you can’t beat them, join them. That is exactly what officials did when they blamed the violence on a highway running alongside Kenosha that connects Chicago to Milwaukee. They claim the easy access to their city lured activists to their beloved streets. Apparently, riots have little to do with violent instigators and more to do with highway layout.

Taking matters into his own hands, President Trump demanded cities like Portland and Kenosha restore order, or he would exercise the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Act would give the military permission to take back control in American cities and suppress violent riots. The White House also planned for the president to visit Kenosha, hoping his presence would help unify parties and calm the violence.

Democrats have another idea. The mayor of Kenosha, John Antaramian (a Democrat), believes doing nothing other than calling for peace will settle the violent hate. As for the president, Mayor Antaramian publicly asked Trump not to visit “at this point in time,” but not before seeking $30 million to rebuild his city.

Other Democrats quickly denounced Trump visiting the city, claiming he will only agitate things. Yet over the past months, the Democratic Party’s stance has been to turn a blind eye while local businesses and lives are destroyed. Wisconsin Democrat Governor Tony Evers didn’t even deploy the National Guard until the mob had torched cars, destroyed businesses, and left the city in complete ruin.

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Speaking to Fox News, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) gave a stark warning to cities like Kenosha as he believes the carnage will spread throughout America until politicians come together and restore order while condemning criminals.