Gaining a reputation as a law and order President, Trump appears to be living up to name by threatening to enact the Insurrection Act of 1807 to help combat violent protests. The threat comes after Trump supporters were assaulted at the RNC on Friday night. Among those attacked by Black Lives Matter protestors was none other than Senator Rand Paul and his wife.

Speaking at his first rally after accepting his renomination, President Trump recalled the event on Friday night when police struggled to protect Republican supporters from an array of attacks. “They took tremendous abuse. Rand Paul was in big trouble last night. He’s a friend of mine. They walk out and they get accosted and they get abused. They get spit on. It’s a disgrace.”

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When speaking about the Senator of Kentucky Rand Paul, Trump said, “He would be in either very bad shape or dead … and that would include his wife.” The President blamed the outburst of violence not only on the BLM protestors but Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser for allowing her city to be overrun by “anarchists.”

While Rand Paul nor his wife were harmed, the assault comes after months of Democrats rejecting help from President Trump to restore order in cities affected by riots. The President said back in June, “If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.”

Enacted by the 9th United States Congress, the Insurrection Act allows a sitting president to deploy military forces and National Guard troops within the United States to help suppress civil disorder, rebellion, or insurrection. The Insurrection Act hasn’t been put into effect since the riots that crippled Los Angeles back in 1992.

Even Joe Biden seemed to emerge from the Democratic fallout shelter to condemn the civil disorder, but President Trump quickly called his bluff as polls show Biden slipping. The President said, “The poll numbers have swung. Today it was announced that Joe Biden is coming out of the basement, because the poll numbers have totally swung. It was a rapid swing.”

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As both campaigns continue to press forward, President Trump appeared relaxed when speaking to New Hampshire supporters. When asked about running against Joe Biden, the 45th President had a simple and pointed response, “I believe I have the honor of running against the worst candidate ever put up by the Democrat Party. He’s the worst candidate, the slowest candidate.”