The anti-Trump bias of some businesses is virulent. Even defense contractors have the issue and they rely on the Trump administration for business. But political bias seems to be more important for some than doing business. Fox News picks it up from here.

“A Virginia man lost his job with a leading national naval manufacturer after refusing to take off his ‘Trump 2020’ hat at a safety meeting prior to a shift, according to local reports…Dave Sunderland spent about eight years working at Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls Industries, which is the only manufacturer of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and one of just two firms that produce nuclear-powered submarines…Despite company policies prohibiting campaigning and political clothing, Sunderland told the Daily Press newspaper in Virginia that he’d worn Trump hats over the past few years without incident and had seen others wearing clothing with Democratic and progressive slogans.”

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So it was okay for Democrats to wear all sorts of partisan paraphernalia. But let a Republican do it and all hell breaks loose.

“I wasn’t campaigning,” Sunderland told media. “I wore a ball cap. I wasn’t passing out bumper stickers. I wasn’t asking people to vote. I wasn’t doing anything, except for wearing a ball cap going to work.”

The company responded, “These policies and procedures are not specific to any particular election or candidate. Instead, they cover all manner of expression that could cause distractions from our very demanding work. Typically, when an issue comes to our attention it is handled quickly and informally. However, if an employee refuses to comply with the policy, it is treated as insubordination and discipline is administered accordingly, up to and including termination.” They refused to address the matter of Democrat aligned clothing. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Republicans have to put up with enough in the public space and even from friends and neighbors. But to have to deal with it in the workplace, as Democrats get a pass, passes toleration. And if it’s bad now, how will it be when the president wins in November? Hopefully, because it’s worth it for our republic, we’ll find out.