Over the past four years, the Democrats have done nothing but vilify President Donald Trump and his supporters. According to CNN and the liberal media, all Trump supporters are nothing but a bunch of backwoods Neo-Nazis who want to return America to its former glory. While that is the furthest from the truth, Democratic supporters have become unhinged, forgetting what is reality and what is politics.

Speaking of crazed supporters, let’s meet Douglas Kuhn. Kuhn is a big supporter of the Democratic party. So much that he even placed a Black Lives Matter sign in his front yard. Living in a rural area of Kingsville, MD, Kuhn must have known there would be people around him that didn’t agree with his message but guess what – nobody said a word until Neal Houk and his son drove by.

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The left wants to make it out that Houk and his son were antagonizing Kuhn when they drove past his yard and saw the sign, but Houk says while he supports Trump, everyone has the right to their own opinion. So, what did he do to Kuhn? Nothing more than honk his horn and throw him a friendly wave. And in return, Kuhn grabbed a shotgun and fired it at their truck.

That’s right, Houk’s truck is somewhat known around town as it has several stickers and signs supporting the President. Given the upcoming election, many people didn’t seem to mind as it was Houk’s property and his opinion, but Kuhn wasn’t haven’t it. In his own words, Houk’s recounts the story saying, “He reached down. He had a shotgun right there, pulled it out, and pointed it right at us and we were in disbelief. Next thing we heard was a shotgun blast.”

Luckily, nobody was injured in the altercation, and police were called by neighbors who witnessed the shooting. Showing how horrible Trump supporters are – Houk wishes for no charges to be brought against Kuhn and believes it was just a misunderstanding. Still, the police arrested Kuhn and charged him with assault, reckless endangerment, and felony firearms charges. If found guilty, Kuhn could face up to 100 years in jail for his political stunt.