While college is meant to be a place of learning, diversity, and acceptance, the constant push and hounding from the left has caused universities around the country to enforce outlandish rules. For example, the University of Kentucky recently made its white students training to be Residential Assistance go through a “white accountability space” course.

Copies of the training material for the future white RAs were given to the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) using their tip hotline. While the whistleblower wishes to remain anonymous, the student believes the school went too far, forcing students to keep the documents on their computer and attend a White Accountability Space seminar.

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At the presentation, students were given a document that listed 41 racist behaviors and attitudes white people use. Some of the traits include “believing they have ‘earned’ what they have, rather than acknowledge the extensive white privilege and unearned advantages they receive”. The list goes on to claim white people don’t “notice the daily indignities that people of color experience; deny them and rationalize them away with PLEs (perfectly logical explanations).” And to top the list off, white people supposedly “resent taking direction from a person of color.”

While this might sound like a pamphlet found from the Jim Crow era, this is what the University of Kentucky deems fit to teach the future generations. Instead of teaching acceptance and where society went wrong, it appears the school wants to do nothing more than shame its students for something as simple as the color of their skin.

Reaching out the school, reporters interviewed Brandon Colbert of the University of Kentucky’s Bias Incident Support Service. Colbert offered to demonstrate the program, discussing the “microaggressions and microinvalidations in the workplace and the harm that they cause.” It should be noted that Colbert has taken to social media several times to share his beliefs on America. He openly “denounced the American Flag, National Anthem, and Independence Day all as being the stuff that makes [America] racist.”

Also wanting to share his opinions with the press was the University of Kentucky YA’s chapter President Parker Bowman. He believes, “This action by the university to segregate RA training is abhorrent. For a campus that prides itself on diversity, this is taking a step in the wrong direction. We should be talking to each other, not separating ourselves based on immutable characteristics.”