As you read this, this presidential election is headed towards the courts for a decision. We remember in 2000 it also happened, but the issues were much more focused on one state, even one county. Ah yes, hanging chads.

In 2020 the issues are much wider and in multiple states. They are so because a major American political party, the Democrats, has decided to gain power by any means necessary, constitutional or not.

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The only thing that is in the way of the Democrats is your vote. But if they can negate that by ballot harvesting and the like then the only bulwark against their antics is in the courts.

And it won’t stop in 2020. They are likely happy because their theft may be validated at the rigged polls. So we’ll see their level of election corruption increase exponentially as years pass forward. After all, if it works for them, why would they stop? Sure, there are matters like democracy, integrity, and the country, involved. But these are Democrats and those are not on their hit parade.

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So the question remains, will all future presidential elections end up in the court system because the Democrats are so corrupt?

It’s happened twice in twenty years and almost happened forty years before that. Richard Nixon spared the nation the controversy of a 1960 court fight by conceding to a corrupt Democrat machine run by the nefarious Kennedy Clan. They were, before the Bidens, the most corrupt family in American political history. The Kennedys made the Borgias look like the Osmonds.

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Next on tap was Al Gore in 2000. Remember him, the man the brilliant television show “South Park” labeled “ManBearPig”? He’s faded into obscurity by now. But in the 90s he was Bill Clinton’s pet tree and wrangled the Democrat nomination to face Bush the Younger in 2000. Bush, in his amiable conformist threequarterwit weirdo AA gullible fundie way, stumbled into a victory with the competent assistance of Karl Rove. But there was Florida. Gore knew he had lost there, but he tried to pull a fast one. Contested legitimate votes and tried to get military votes thrown out.

The Supreme Court dealt with him, much the same way they will deal with Biden, and Bush was inaugurated a month later. Thus two times in twenty years Democrats have tried to cheat their way into the Oval Office. Get used to it and expect presidential elections decided by the Supremes for some time. It’s coming up in 2024 as well.