When it comes to the left, there is no issue more important than a woman’s right to choose. Over the years, both the Democrats and Republicans have drawn a hard line in the sand when it comes to the innocent life yet to be born. As America reacts to the unwarranted news that Biden might become President, many celebrities and politicians have weighed in on the subject of a Biden/Harris Administration. One person was former President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards and she had a unique way of celebrating the first female Vice President.

On Sunday, Richards was overcome with excitement by the premature news that America was getting is first female Vice President that she took to Twitter to share her enthusiasm. She tweeted well, look for yourself.

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If the irony is lost on you, Richards literally said, “Excited for all the babies this year who will be named Kamala!” Again, the former president of Planned Parenthood, the organization behind the murder of millions of unborn babies, thought it would be in good taste to show her excitement by going on Twitter with her statement.

Luckily, we weren’t the only ones to see the horror in her statement. Thousands of Pro-life members quickly jumped on Twitter to show Richards just how obnoxious her comments really were. One user even pointed out that Richards’s legacy will be remembered as the woman who stood by while 3.8 million babies lost their lives due to abortion.

This is the problem with the Democrats and the leftists, they can’t see the problems in their own statements when it is right in front of them. Richards couldn’t even apologize for her statement. Instead, she decided to delete the tweet and act like it never happened. Luckily, the internet never forgets, and users are not going to let her off the hook that easy.

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To make matters worse, under Kamala Harris, taxpayers’ dollars would be used to help fund abortions around the United States. But again, I’m sure there will be thousands of babies still around to name Kamala, because at the end of the day, what’s more important – a name or a life?