America and the White House are both up for grabs in the Senate Runoff that is taking place in Georgia right now. The Republicans need the state in order to keep the Democrats from gaining full control and being able to run Washington however they seem fit. Now, some Republicans are claiming they are going to boycott the election due to fear of election meddling and voter fraud.

With the election that determines the future of America just a few weeks away, Georgia Republicans are feeling the stress of the Democrats and are starting to walk away from their patriotic duty.

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Thankfully, President Trump heard about the news in Georgia and quickly took to Twitter to reenergize his party and the American people. He tweeted, “No, the 2020 Election was a total scam, we won by a lot (and will hopefully turn over the fraudulent result), but we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people,” Trump said in his tweet. “Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people. I will be in Georgia on Saturday (Dec. 5th)!”

What is more interesting about the tweet and how it is still be disputed for voter fraud. There is clear cut evidence in several key states showing that people either harvested ballots or Dominion changed the votes. In some places, both even occurred.

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But what are the American people to do when faced with such a mountain in front of them? It appears the Democrats have stolen the election and now want to steal the Senate as well. Stacey Abrams has even been brushing up against the Hollywood elite, hoping to get them to spread their message of so-called togetherness and peace because supporting Black Lives Matter is showing what real peace looks like.

As the President said – don’t lose faith in the American system. It is still our patriotic duty to get out there and vote. It doesn’t matter what the Democrats do or have up their sleeve, we must continue the path forward and make sure our voice is heard. If not, the Democrats will control Washington and the results will be devastating for both America and the world.