First off, the election isn’t over. For some reason, Americans believe the first person to claim victory automatically becomes President. For starters, this is completely false, and Joe Biden isn’t President or even President-elect. He is just a candidate waiting for results and lawsuits to finish. Still, as the world acts like Biden is the 46th President, his so-called administration is already making plans to change all the work President Trump has done, starting on day one.

Wasting no time and hoping to become President before people find out he cheated, Biden thought it would be best to go ahead and lay out some of his plans for America. As you can see in the video below, any news coming from the side of the Democrats should be taken with a grain of salt as the ballots are still be counted and recounted. Still, Biden’s first act of business is to… Just watch for yourself.

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Teeing off first, Sleepy Joe Biden wants to apologize and rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. For those that don’t remember, President Trump, backed us out of the agreement, claiming it was bad for America. Biden didn’t go into detail about why he would want to rejoin the agreement other than the fact that it was against Trump’s wishes. Wow, how Presidential to make a power move based on a grudge.

Adding to the list of changes, Biden wants to bring back DACA which would help children of immigrants who came here illegally. Staying with that same trend, the Democrats also pushed Biden to do away with the travel ban on several middle eastern countries. It should be noted that majority of the countries were placed on terrorist watchlist during the Obama Administration. It was only when President Trump took office that he decided to act on the information.

And lastly, as if a slap to the face of President Trump and the American people, Joe Biden wants to rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO). If you forgot, WHO was the group of doctors that said COVID-19 was going to be downright horrific, with millions and millions of deaths. Instead of freaking out like WHO did, President Trump thought rationally and acted accordingly. Scared, Joe Biden plans to do the opposite by listen to the WHO and enforcing a mask mandate for all.

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Remember, this is just a sample of what America will look like under a Biden/Harris Administration. That is until the Democrats drop Biden for Harris.