Over the year of campaigning by the Democrats, there have been rallies, speeches, and no shortage of teleprompters. Thanks to the endless hours of footage, we have seen Joe Biden stumble, fumble, and everything in-between as he would become the President-elect. But while most would be happy with the position, it appears the Democrats might be eyeing Kamala Harris for President and not Biden.

Not only have there been numerous times where Biden has referred to himself as the Vice President to Kamala Harris, but even reporters and technology have made the mistake once or twice, leading to many to wonder – are the Democrats really going to make Harris the next President of the United States?

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Well, the change might already be in effect as many Siri users noticed the device feeding them the wrong information about the 46th President. Instead of telling users, it was Joe Biden, many customers heard the device tell them that it was Harris, not Biden who won the nomination.

Obviously, anybody in the United States and the world found out this week that Joe Biden supposedly won the election by gaining 290 electoral votes. While the Trump Administration continues to fight the election, the Democrats are busy figuring out their next move and what they are going to do with the robotic Joe Biden. Given his age and mental decline, some are wondering if he will even make it to become the next President.

As for Kamala Harris, she hasn’t blocked the idea of running for President. It would be a huge honor to become the first female President of the United States, but at what cost? While lawsuits are still being hurled, it’s becoming common knowledge that there was in fact election meddling and most importantly – voter fraud. Just in Pennsylvania, there were 21,000 registered voters who had been dead for at least 5 years. Not to mention, research found that 261 had voted.

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With the election poised to go on for several months, the Democrats are completely fine with going ahead and calling a winner, who happens to be their candidate, and keep him until the time is right for Kamala Harris to take the podium.