The Democrats want you to believe in the electoral process. They want you to believe that Joe Biden did the impossible and beat President Donald Trump in the primary election. While ludicrous, especially since Joe Biden hid in his basement the entire time, the American people aren’t so easily swayed. Like most of the world, it is easy to see that the Democrats stole the 2020 election not just from President Trump but from the working-class citizens. As a result, the Georgia runoff election is seeing record low turnout as conservatives are turning away from voting, citing a rigged process.

Not seeing the point in voting when the Democrats will do whatever it takes to win the election, conservatives are staying home when it comes to the much-anticipated run-off election in Georgia. For weeks now, residents of Georgia have been hounded with ads supporting the Democratic party, praising how well Biden did during the 2020 election.

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But with each new ad, Americans are reminded that their vote doesn’t really matter. As for the evidence, it’s all there. Every day there is a new article about Dominion software and how easily it can be manipulated. There are even YouTube videos showing just how the software was used to steal the election.

According to Survey USA, the company that conducted the poll, “Of those who are not voting in the US Senate runoffs, a disproportionate number are conservative. Of those who identify as “very conservative,” 55% say they are not voting in the runoff elections because “the voting process is rigged.” This compares to zero percent of liberals and very liberals.”

To make matters worse, the liberal and movements like Black Lives Matter have been energized by Biden stealing the election. They believe in the process and can’t see that the Democrats aren’t just taking away their right to vote but stripping them of their voice.

Even with the process more than likely rigged, the GOP is working around the clock to save the election and get conservatives out to vote. While they might believe it is a lost cause, Americans need to understand that the Democrats can’t control all of Washington. Rigged or not, the Democrat’s stronghold in Georgia must not be allowed to steal yet another fair election from the American people.