There is a theory circulating that the Democrats are eyeing Kamala Harris to become the first female President in history. According to the theory, the Democrats will do this by getting Joe Biden to step down amid health concerns, and it’s not that far out of the realm of possibility when you see he make a speech. The man barely stays coherent through it. But no matter what the Democrats are up to, let’s take a deeper look into Kamala’s past and see what she has done for the American people. The same people she hopes to lead.

It comes as no surprise that Harris would be a progressive candidate. Since running for candidacy, Harris has said she would be strong of police reform and knows what it takes to control officers out in the field. But what did she do while in office? According to the facts, Harris helped put 127,000 people behind bars while serving as California’s attorney general.

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And of those 127,000 people – none were white. Majority of the incarcerations were made up of African Americans and Hispanic people. But again, Harris is all about the here and now. She promised to be tough and bring forth a new coming of policing our communities, but history doesn’t lie.

That is one of the major problems with the Democratic party. They want you to forget what they have done in the past and then deny it whenever it is brought up. Look at what Harris said about the next President Joe Biden. She called him a racist of national television and then took it back, calling it nothing more than “politics”.

The politics that Harris is referring to are people’s lives. Again, another issue with the party is they don’t know how to run a country. They don’t understand that it is the American people that make up this country and it is those same people that elect the officials in office.

No matter what theory you pull at, a Harris Presidency wouldn’t mean four years of no Joe Biden, it would be four years of a person who has used her position and power to end innocent lives within the judicial system.