While the election isn’t completely solidified yet, Biden was affirmed by the electoral college to become the next President of the United States. While he and the rest of the Democrat party cheer and parade around because they practically got away with stealing an election, Biden is now supposed to act Presidential. That means giving speeches that last longer than a couple of minutes and leaving the basement for more than a day. It also means making it through an entire speech without hacking up a lung and appearing out of sorts.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, and you are about to see in the video below – Biden is not fit to become the next President of the United States. The man might have been able to give it a run in his younger corrupt years, but now he is out of his league and depth when it comes to politics. Don’t believe me – don’t just look at the facts, click on the video below, and see how many times Biden fumbles and stumbles through his speech. Warning – don’t make a drinking game out of it.

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81 million people voted for this man? Please. I will believe in aliens riding unicorns from the heavens before I believe a man of that caliber garnered that many votes from the American people. And if he really did – then we are already ruined and there is no way of saving this great country.

As I see it, you could have put any other person up against Joe Biden and I could see the number being accurate. Bernie Sanders was far too progressive, and Kamala Harris had a dark past in the judicial system. Both were red marks against them, but both would have caused the radical voters to come out and vote. Don’t forget about the silent party that could vote either way.

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No matter which way you look at it, we all can agree on one thing – Joe Biden needs to see a doctor soon.