When you married as well as Biden Climate Czar John Kerry did, by swooping in on the widow of fellow Senator John Heinz (yes, that Heinz) before the body was cold, it gives you a rather odd view of life.

Since money, as he is worth hundreds of millions now, is never a concern to Kerry, he can blithely brush off the loss of 50,000 jobs in the energy sector as no big deal. After all, can’t they just go to Monte Carlo until something else comes up?

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FNC: “Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ripped Biden climate czar and former Secretary of State John Kerry on ‘Fox News Primetime’ Wednesday over what Cruz described as degrading comments about blue-collar workers whose jobs were abruptly cut when President Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline permit. At a White House press conference earlier Wednesday, Kerry claimed industrial and energy sector workers are victims of a ‘false narrative’ based in Trump-era economic policy.”

“They have been fed the notion that somehow dealing with climate is coming at their expense,” Kerry said. “No, it’s not. What is happening to them is happening because of other market forces are already taking place. You look at the consequences of black lung for a miner, for instance, and measure that against the fastest-growing job in the United States, [which] before COVID was the solar power technician,” Kerry said. “The same people can do those jobs, but the choice of doing the solar power one now is a better choice.”

Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, was having none of it. “What an arrogant, out-of-touch statement for a centimillionaire to say. You know, ‘You little people, you know, I don’t like the choices you’re making, and so your jobs go away,’ as John Kerry said right there. Quelle surprise that the Democratic elites have decided that blue-collar workers, that union members, that men and women with calluses on their hands, they’ve made the wrong choices, in John Kerry’s words…I’ve asked multiple Biden nominees what they would say to the union workers who just lost their jobs because Joe Biden decided they didn’t deserve a job. And essentially nominee after nominee after nominee has said, ‘Well, tough luck.'”