Biden had one of his first Town Hall meetings this week and as many expected, it went off the rails as Biden claimed there was no vaccine when he came to office and that China persecuting Muslims was cultural norms. But given that he is a Democrat, and they control all of Washington, the media didn’t dare grill the sitting President over his comments. On the contrary, Anderson Cooper asked Biden what it was like living in the White House. Still, not wanting to be completely biased, CNN decided to Fact Check Biden and release their findings, but don’t get your hopes up.

Before we go any further, it should be noted that we are about to mention CNN. Now, when it comes to true journalism, CNN has proven itself countless times that its integrity can be bought by the highest bidder. So, with that in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that just like the Town Hall, CNN took a relaxed approach to Biden’s claims. It didn’t matter what he was saying was pure nonsense and bordered the line of dementia. No, instead they gave reasons as to why the President said what he said. Click on the video below to find out more.

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Again, given that it is President Biden talking and he is always stumbling and fumbling over his words, there is no reason to transcribe what he was saying. Luckily though, America was listening, and they heard some pretty alarming claims. First of which was about the vaccine. Biden claimed there were no vaccines ready, yet pictures were released showing him getting the vaccine just after taking office. And did CNN happen to mention this? Not at all, instead, they helped the President out by giving the correct information. Or at least correct in their eyes.

But wait, what about the same CNN that reamed Trump every time he made a speech? Where is the no-nonsense journalism we have come to expect from the left? It appears that now that Biden is in office, it is business as usual in the sense that we once again respect the position of POTUS. While trying to prove themselves to be bipartisan, CNN did the complete opposite, their “babying” of Biden shows their only interest is to the party, not the truth.