Since Monday is President’s Day we would be remiss, given politics and history is what we do here, if we didn’t comment on modern presidential history.

Those of you who have read this column in past years know our rankings. To summarize, best presidents: Coolidge, Reagan, Truman, Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Polk. Worst: Wilson, Obama, FDR, Carter, Buchanan, and Lyndon Johnson. Biden looks like a sure addition to the latter list.

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But to get to be president you have to win an election. Some candidates, like and Nixon and Trump, excelled at this. Others did not. Here are the worst also rans.

1. Perot- The progenitor of the modern populist movement evidenced in MAGA, though a great entrepreneur, Ross Perot was a disaster as a presidential candidate in 1992. He seemed to get in the race merely to stop Bush the Elder and that he did. But first Perot was in the race. Then he dropped out. Then he got in again, all the while spinning bizarre conspiracy theories about his daughter’s wedding and the North Vietnamese Army. A veritable loon.

2. Hillary Clinton- As opposed to her husband, one of the best candidates, Hillary could not put a foot right in 2016. She went out of her way to alienate half the populace and made no attempt to hide her shrewish nasty personality. She lost to a candidate with high negatives who she could have beaten by pretending to be human. She wouldn’t and he used it to beat her like a rug.

3. John McCain- Never a real national candidate, only a media darling, he phoned in the race in 2008.

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4. George McGovern- A nice man who actually thought a coalition of dirty hippies, pro-communists, left wing media, and gullible students would win an American national election in 1972. Surprise!

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5. Jerry Ford- I mean, how does a sentient being lose to Jimmy Carter? It was the time, the mid 70s, and Jerry never had the killer instinct necessary to win. Though, he wasn’t beaten that badly. Still, the Carter factor. Ugh.

6. Michael Dukakis- From refusing to avenge his wife after a theoretical rape to the tank pic to the Pledge of Allegiance, this candidacy in 1988 was snakebit from the start. Dukakis had no chance because people were voting for a Reagan third term in Bush and the Bush campaign was run by primo GOP field general and political genius Lee Atwater. There are more doomed candidates like Hoover, Stevenson, and John W. Davis, but you get the drift. Some people just don’t have the right stuff.