Even without addressing the public, there are plenty of stories about President Joe Biden and how he is unfit to be POTUS. In the little time Biden has been in office, he has mistaken Kamala Harris as President numerous times, stumbled through every public speaking event, and even fractured his foot while playing with his dog. It’s safe to say that the so-called glory days of the 78-year-old Biden are far behind him. And now, we can add “walking” to the list of things Biden has troubling doing. 

On Friday, Biden was on his way to Atlanta to meet with the victims of the heinous shootings when he was presented with a simple task – walk up the stairs to Air Force One. As you can see in the video below, Biden seems confident with the task and takes each step with full stride, but it is when he is about halfway up that tragedy strikes.

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At first, Biden simply stumbles over a step and quickly catches himself. Everything appears to be fine as Biden goes for the next step, only to trip and fall again. The circus of Biden stumbling and fumbling his way up the stairs lasts only a few seconds before he manages to make it to the top and give a sorrowful salute to the people. 

But while some may believe we are merely attacking the President, it should be noted that it was the Democrats who challenged Trump’s competence because he decided to use two hands to drink a glass of water. Or how about the time the Democrats ran attack ads because Trump slowly walked up a ramp. 

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We weren’t the only ones to catch Biden’s graceful fall as Donald Trump Jr. tweeted, “I remember the press bashing Trump for touching the rail once. Biden falls repeatedly but I’m sure he’s the picture of health. No wonder all our enemies are pouncing simultaneously and mocking him publicly.”

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Trump Jr. wasn’t the only one to point out Biden’s health after the fall. Within the hour, memes, posts, and videos circulated the internet. Political commentator Dave Rubin wrote, “Trump once held a glass of water with two hands and the mainstream media ran endless pieces on how he was unfit for office. Here’s Joe Biden falling up the stairs.”

With the world literally watching Biden’s every step, even the White House couldn’t stay silent on the matter. Communications Director Kate Bedingfield said on Twitter, “I know folks have seen that President Biden slipped on his way up the stairs to AF1, but I’m happy to report that he is just fine and did not even require any attention from the medical team who travels with him. Nothing more than a misstep on the stairs.”