In case you weren’t aware, the Oscars were Sunday night. But before you beat yourself up, most people either didn’t even know or even worse – didn’t care. For years, the Oscars were known for passionate filmmaking and extraordinary acting, but recently it has been a stage for politics and cancel culture to spread their message of propaganda. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that the Oscars saw historically low ratings that started way back in 2014. With only 10 million people watching, even former President Donald Trump decided to help ABC and give them some pointers. 

Staring at its lowest ratings in modern history, it appears that the golden age of the Academy Awards is over. The glitz and glamour of Hollywoodland are no more as being woke is the new trend. But not all hope is lost according to Trump. At first though, Trump couldn’t help but mock what has become of the award show. He said, “What used to be called The Academy Awards, and now is called the ‘Oscars’ —a far less important and elegant name—had the lowest Television Ratings in recorded history, even much lower than last year, which set another record low. If they keep with the current ridiculous formula, it will only get worse—if that’s possible.”

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While harsh, what Trump is saying is correct. Since becoming “woke”, the Academy Award changed its name, gone hostless, and has started basing awards on the color of a person’s skin rather than their talent. But again, the former President didn’t just mock ABC, he also gave them some “free” advice on how to fix their viewership problem. 

“Go back 15 years, look at the formula they then used, change the name back to THE ACADEMY AWARDS, don’t be so politically correct and boring, and do it right. ALSO, BRING BACK A GREAT HOST. These television people spend all their time thinking about how to promote the Democrat Party, which is destroying our Country, and cancel Conservatives and Republicans. That formula certainly hasn’t worked very well for The Academy!”

While ABC has been quiet on the ratings, what Trump is saying is not only right but is the reason that so many people either didn’t even know or care that the Oscars were even on.