Although leaked emails from Dr. Fauci prove that Chinese officials helped cover up the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a lab – the Democrats are still reluctant to investigate the matter. And for those that try to speak on the truth, just take a look at former President Donald Trump. Not only was he accused of being a racist, but he was ultimately de-platformed for a theory that is soon to be fact. As for others who dare speak up, the former Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Director revealed he has received death threats for expressing the idea that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan. 

Back in March, Robert Redfield was speaking to CNN’s Sanjay Gupta about where he believed COVID-19 came from. Expressing his belief due to the information available, Redfield said, “I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human. Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoo to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient in human to human transmission.”

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After the interview, Redfield recalled his inbox being flooded with emails from strangers and even prominent scientists. But that isn’t what shocked him, it was the numerous threats made against his life. Redfield even said one scientist, who was a friend, wished for him to “wither and die.”

Talking to Vanity Fair, Redfield addressed the threats, saying “I was threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis. I expected it from politicians. I didn’t expect it from science.”

As for the origin of the virus, Redfield stands by his statement, unlike President Joe Biden. Initially, former President Trump created a State Department probe to investigate the most likely cause behind COVID-19. It was only when Biden stole the election that he signed numerous executive orders shutting down the Trump-era commission. 

Luckily, Americans aren’t sitting idle as they pressured Biden into looking back into the matter. While Biden walked back on his stance, he is only giving intelligence agencies 90 days to complete a full investigation. Not to mention, with the Democrats in charge – the results will most likely advance the liberal agenda.