Since the supposed Capitol Hill riots on January 6th, the Democrats have used all their power and resources to paint conservatives and especially Trump supporters in a negative light. It doesn’t matter that Black Lives Matter has done way more damage to cities around America, it is the right that poses the greatest threat to democracy. Just in the last few months, conservatives have been labeled domestic terrorists while again – BLM protesters are revolutionaries. But while even President Biden equates the Capitol riots to the civil war, new FBI reports prove that it wasn’t just conservative storming the building as disguised liberals were also among the rioters. 

For months, officials have been busy scouring videos and clips of the Capitol riots, hoping to identify anyone that played a part in the insurrection. While a number of conservatives have been apprehended for the part they played, two liberals who disguised themselves as One American News reporters, and played a significant role in the riots, are apparently free to go as they informed the FBI how to “infiltrate Trump rallies”.  

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The men in question are Walter Masterson and Peter Scattini, who by a quick glance at their Twitter feeds are diehard liberals. Even their YouTube channel is full of videos and clips of them infiltrating Trump rallies. Not to mention, the duo still has the video of them at the Capitol Hill riots up on their channel. 

Shortly after the riots, the pair was approached by the FBI and NYPD, but it wasn’t to arrest them as they’ve done to so many conservatives. No, according to Scattini, “They introduced themselves as two agents of the FBI and one officer of the NYPD and asked if they could come inside and, of course, we said yes. We talked to them for about an hour, we are not in any trouble, but that was super weird. Walter is giving them tips on how to infiltrate Trump rallies.”

Shocking, that a pair of liberals get a pass for the part they played when conservatives are being utterly destroyed. Also, Scattini’s meeting with the FBI proves accusations presented by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson. Carlson said on Tuesday, “Strangely, some of the key people who participated on Jan. 6 have not been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls those people ‘unindicted co-conspirators.’ What does that mean? Well, it means that in potentially every single case, they were FBI operatives.”