As the Taliban grab power in Afghanistan perhaps the most at danger group is young girls. Taliban troops have raped thousands of girls on their way to Kabul. Not since second echelon Soviet troops in Berlin in 1945 have military units committed sexual assaults in such a brazen and widespread manner.


Compounding that tragedy, women and girls who are attempting to flee by getting to the Allied airlift operation out of Kabul International Airport are being beaten and seized by the Taliban. They are being sold by Taliban commanders to their men. This is Kabul today. This is on Joe Biden’s head. Noted Afghan film director Sahraa Karimi gives the horrific details.

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FNC: “A director from Afghanistan is issuing a warning of what could come in Afghanistan after the Taliban seized power two weeks before the U.S. was set to complete its troop withdrawal following a costly two-decade war.

Sahraa Karimi is the first and only woman in Afghanistan to hold a Ph.D. in cinema and filmmaking and serves as the general director of the Afghan Film Organization. She took to Twitter on Friday in a plea to the international film community to speak up about protecting the people in the country.”

“I write to you with a broken heart and a deep hope that you can join me in protecting my beautiful people, especially filmmakers from the Taliban,” Karimi wrote. “In the last few weeks, they have massacred our people, they kidnapped many children, they sold girls as child brides to their men… It’s a humanitarian crisis, and yet the world is silent… They will ban all art. I and other filmmakers could be next on their hit list.”

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“We have grown accustomed to this silence, yet we know it is not fair,” she wrote. “We know that this decision to abandon our people is wrong, that this hasty troop withdrawal is a betrayal of our people and all that we did when Afghans won the Cold War for the west…Our people were forgotten then, leading up to the Taliban’s dark rule, and now, after 20 years of immense gains for our country and especially our younger generations, all could be lost again in this abandonment.”