This is history. A confused and useless mission is about to come to an end. The bumbling and arrogant neo-Wilsonian hubris of Dubya and Condi Rice has finalized in ruin. It is a bugout. An orderly bugout, but a bugout just the same.

Biden is reportedly begging, literally imploring the Taliban to wait to take Kabul until we are gone. They are not listening, as they roll up provincial capitals day by day. Like a wolf who has been hungry for twenty years, they approach Kabul with glistening chops, ready to devour.

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What message does this send to the world? We are weak, we are divided, we do not keep our promises and, most tragically, we do not learn from history. When, immediately after Phnom Penh fell at the same time Saigon did in April of 1975, a reporter asked a fleeing Cambodian diplomat what was his country’s biggest mistake. He had a simple answer: “We trusted the Americans.”

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The current situation on the ground as of Saturday resembles North Vietnamese Army General Giap’s Operation Blossoming Lotus in the spring of 1975. That was the last NVA offensive. It doomed South Vietnam. He rolled up the flanks and made haste for the main reward, spreading terror and rumor in his wake.

Kabul is now in panic and chaos. Western embassies are leaving or reduced to skelton staffs. The US trained Afghan Army has cut and run. Reports tell of some units joining the Taliban, others throwing away their uniforms and returning to their homes. American analysts think, for the sheer US humiliation of it, the Taliban may take Kabul on September 11th, the twentieth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.

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Where is Joe Biden while this is going on? In the military command center, perhaps at the situation room? No. He is vacationing at Camp David and issuing statements blaming Trump for this debacle. But interestingly, the Taliban did not move until Biden was in office, just as the NVA took their cue from the Nixon resignation less than a year before they acted. As such, the barbarians will soon return to Kabul. May this be a lesson we take heed of and pass on: Nation building only succeeds if the nation in question wants any part of it. Afghanistan never did. We and they now pay the full price for our foolishness.