With America officially out of Afghanistan, thanks to the Biden Administration, the country has already been overrun by the Taliban. Leaving behind weapons, ammunition, military vehicles, and even helicopters, the Taliban has been celebrating their victory over the United States. From taking joy rides in helicopters to holding fake funerals for NATO and America, the Taliban can’t help but mock the nations that fought against them. And while President Biden would love nothing more than to move on from this disaster, there is one slight problem – there are still Americans stranded in Afghanistan and are reportedly being hunted. 


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Speaking to the Voice of America (VOA), a woman, identified as Nasria,  who also happens to be pregnant, made the startling claim that she is among several other Americans currently hiding from the Taliban as they are being “hunted” following the military withdrawal. “There’s been days, you know, where I think to myself, ‘Am I going to make it home? Am I going to end up living here? Am I going to end up dying here?​’” 

Just 25-years-old, Nasria first traveled to Kabul back in June to not only visit family but to also marry her longtime boyfriend. But their plans were interrupted when the Taliban overtook the area, causing the couple to flee to the Kabul airport, hoping to leave the country. But according to Nasria, they never even got close, “It was so hard to just get on a flight. There was a couple days where we had to sleep on streets. People were literally stepping over people. That’s how bad it was.”

With Biden promising to leave no American behind, Nasria is questioning her future and life as she said, “Apparently, they’re going door to door now trying to see if anyone has a blue passport​.” 

Although her now-husband begged the Taliban to let her board a plane without him, Nasria added, “There was a time that like I went past them and started walking as fast as I can, and they started shooting right by my leg and told me to come back or they would shoot me. That’s how it was and I’ve never in my life have ever experienced anything like this.” 

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As for back in the states, Representative Michael McCaul from Texas told Fox News Sunday about the Taliban not letting Americans board planes and holding them hostage. “They — we — the state has cleared these flights and the Taliban will not let them leave the airport.