Hard leftists in Fairfax County, Virginia wanted to mock Judeo-Christianity and Christmas by displaying the Bible next to pervy books. They got away with it, but not for long.

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FNC: “A library in Fairfax County, Virginia, created a book display featuring the notorious books ‘Gender Queer’ and ‘Lawn Boy’– which parents claim feature pedophilia and obscene material – alongside the Bible but later removed the display after residents called it offensive.

The display featured gnomes with stocking-style hats paired with books. The gnomes with ‘Lawn Boy’ and ‘Gender Queer’ had bees on their stocking-hats, while the gnome with the Bible had a rainbow-colored hat, along with other rainbow paraphernalia. The display also featured quotes from controversial books, such as Salman Rushdie’s ‘The Satanic Verses.’

‘Lawn Boy,’ by Jonathan Evison, includes long sections of a boy reminiscing about explicit experiences he had at 10 years old. ‘Gender Queer: A Memoir,’ by Maia Kobabe, includes photos of sexual acts between a boy and a man. Concerned parents had spoken up at Fairfax County School Board meetings to protest the books’ presence in school libraries, but the school district reinstated the books after two committees ruled that they do not contain pedophilia or obscene material.”

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“The Dolley Madison Library holiday reading display was intended to highlight the freedom to read and the fact that many library patrons have more time during the holidays to do so,” Fairfax County Public Library Director Jessica Hudson said in a statement Tuesday. “It was not the intention of staff to create a display that could be construed as offensive. The display has been removed.”

“It’s so outrageously offensive,” Stacy Langton, the Fairfax County mother who confronted the school board about the books. “It was intentional, it was meant to be offensive.” She said the display was “pretty brazen…The timing on this – it’s an intentional dig,” she said. “It’s a dig on the parents who object to pornography and pedophilia-themed materials in the library, and it’s a dig on Christians as a whole. They’re saying that we’re not entitled to want a library space that is free of porn and pedophilia,” Langton said. “The tolerant Left is giving you guys some holiday hate,” she quipped. “Merry Christmas, taxpayers of Fairfax County, Merry Christmas.”