I really don’t need Biden’s help in killing my husband’s vehicle and burying it once and for all. His $2,000 vehicle costs more than that every year to keep it going. 

But it’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. He has to get to work, to his doctor’s appointments, see his family and friends and run errands.

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However, the democrats don’t care if we all pay $7 a gallon for gas and they don’t care if they destroy the energy sector and get rid of fossil fuel and we’re all riding horses to work and everywhere else we need to go.

They also strangely think there won’t be push back against this at some point. I hate to tell them but I can see angry voters with pitchforks showing up at their offices and homes someday as we inch closer to their fossil fuel extinction dreams. 

King Biden, who is worse and more destructive to us than King George III ever was, has decided that he will soon issue executive orders on climate change.

His handlers have read the tea leaves and know that democrat cheating probably won’t overwhelm legitimate votes against the democrats this November. They realize that when they’re no longer in charge of the House and Senate, the government will have to be ran by Executive Order.

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It doesn’t bother Biden (or any other democrat) that he’s constantly governing against the people and the Constitution. That’s what it means to be a democrat.

Our “America last” president who is compromised by China, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries, is truly the enemy of the United States in many aspects – whether it’s our economy, the virus, our border, our rights or anything else. 

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He actively does everything he can do to make America less safe, less prosperous and less free.

In order to push the democrat climate change nonsense, Biden plans to issue Executive Orders on climate change because it’s an “existential threat.”

Biden plans to take aggressive action on climate regulations because the ones already in place haven’t killed our energy sector fast enough and we haven’t been driven into poverty quickly enough for his liking.

He said at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser in Washington DC, “There’s a long way to go, but we’re running into some obstacles that I’m going to need your help on in terms of individuals, as well as circumstances.”

“Help” means to push the democrat BS narrative about climate change which all of the democrats and the media are happy to do. 

In fact, the media prefers helping the climate to helping human beings. 

Yahoo News recently did a story about how workers returning to the office could impact climate change. It won’t – but it just goes to show you what their concerns are – and it isn’t us.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on March 18, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com and is used by permission.

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