During her podcast on Tuesday, host Megyn Kelly, speaking with Daily Wire host Andrew Klavan about his new book, explained how she has taken offense to the left using words like “birthing people” or “chest feeding” for ways to describe women. Having detailed the history of women and everything they had to overcome to do simple things like drive a car, own a bank account, or even vote, Kelly admitted the push was nothing more than to “eradicate women”. 

As can be seen in the video below, both Kelly and Klavan debated the horror story Frankenstein and how it is a tragedy about man being created without a mother. Klavan stated that babies are born with motor neurons which “aren’t distinguished in their own minds from their mother. They are actually still connected to their mother, even though they are outside the womb. It’s in that interchange between the mother and the child those motor neurons come to life that the child realizes themselves as an individual and as a creative person. And can go forth on his own. This is a spiritual task of motherhood that we don’t think about.”

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Kelly pressed Klavan on his theory of the “humanizing task of femininity” that includes, “creating life out of matter, homes out of houses, minds out of brains, and souls out of bodies. Think about that, perhaps your femininity is essential to self or your masculinity depending on the case. I never thought of my femininity as central to my essential self. But it is. To me this whole discussion explains why I personally and many other women and men for that matter have such a visceral reaction … when you use terms like ‘chest feeding’ or like ‘people who have vaginas’ instead of women, ‘birthing peoples’, it’s offensive.”

Giving the reason as to why, Kelly explained, “It deeply cuts. I haven’t been able to define why. I just know it’s really offensive to me. That is not an inclusive effort. That this is an effort, along the Mary Shelley lines, of eradicating women. Of erasing us entirely. Of changing things that I know are fundamental to me although I hadn’t been able to articulate why.”

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