If you can’t find a room at the inn at Martha’s Vineyard, where can you find one? If you Google “Martha’s Vineyard rentals” you get “about 10,400,000 results” from Airbnb.com, vrbo.com and many abode owners and hotels who are looking for guests.

There are places to stay on the island up the wazoo but for some reason, they aren’t available for vulnerable migrants who have entered our country illegally and need some help from their Democrat friends.

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Signs all over the yards of the homes of the elitist white privileged islanders say “we respect women, we value black lives, we stand with our LGBTQ community members, we stand with immigrants with refugees, and indigenous peoples and with people of all faiths…”

Yadda, yadda, yadda… it’s all words and no action.

44 hours after those immigrants and refugees were brought to the island, they were whisked away to a land far far away because the town couldn’t handle 50 foreigners on their island. It was just too much for them.

The upper crust in Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven and West Tisbury weren’t quite as “respectful” as their signs say.

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And now it appears that the Democrats are looking for a travel ban. They don’t want migrants coming to Martha’s Vineyard, NYC or Washington DC, sent to them courtesy of Republican governors.

They don’t want migrants going to sanctuary cities or states because “sanctuary” is just for criminals they are hiding from ICE, not for migrants looking for a firm mattress, a hot meal and a free continental breakfast.

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Biden had previously called Trump’s travel ban “xenophobic” and said that Orange Man Bad was “fanning the flames of hate” but now that the Dems are facing a few handfuls of migrants to take care of, they are having a cow. But are they xenophobic? Of course not.

These migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard certainly aren’t killers or rapists…they are just “undocumented” folks looking for help. Help that was only offered for a mere 44 hours. But still, residents are keeping their doors locked and staying out of town.

Oh, but those 44 hours were such a blessing to many of those Democrats. Their lives have been changed forever.

“They enriched us” said a white privileged islander after the migrants had left. Everyone was crying and hugging and the folks who lived on the island were telling CNN how blessed they were to have interacted with the foreigners.

Did these lovely folks take the migrants, mostly Venezuelans, into their homes or even pay to put them up in one of their swanky hotels for a few months? Nope. It was a whirlwind visit and then the migrants were “kidnapped” (Gov. Newsom’s words) and off they went, away from the island of non- misfit joys.

Where did they go? They went on a ferry ride to another bus and then off to Joint Base Cape Cod. The Federal government kidnapped them. But only the federal government is allowed to bus and fly migrants all over the country while they engage in human trafficking. When Republicans try to send a few small groups of migrants to Democrat places, they might face legal action.

After a year-and-a-half of flying migrants all over the country in the dark of night, U.S. Rep. Bill Keating, a Democrat from Massachusetts, laughingly said, “History does not look kindly on leaders who treat human beings like cargo, loading them up and sending them a thousand miles away without telling them their destination…”

Look in the mirror, dude. That’s what the Democrat party does all day long with the help of the federal government, NGOs and churches.

And of course, loser Hillary Clinton and her leftist pals on Twitter were parroting the same nonsense, calling Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis a human trafficker all weekend.

But what of the migrants who wanted to stay on Martha’s Vineyard? What about the migrants who wanted a tour of Obama’s unoccupied home or maybe they wanted to visit with the Clintons, David Letterman, or Diane Sawyer? Too bad for them, I guess.

Funny how when Obama had his 60th birthday party on Martha’s Vineyard, they were able to accommodate the 475 people. Hm…..What happened to all of those rooms and rentals? The canopies? The food and porta potties??

The Vineyard Gazette reported on Saturday, “The sights and sounds of September measure the Island year better than any calendar. Look to the longer evening shadows under a sinking sun, to the blooming dahlias and to the song of crickets…”

Yes, crickets is what you will now hear from the deported vulnerable migrants. Folks who were looking for island accommodations in a land where the welcoming signs for them from the white privileged islanders were, in the end, just a marketing strategy and a woke tattoo, not a way of life or an invitation for anyone.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on September 19, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com and is used by permission.

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