Since entering the White House in January of 2021, Joe Biden moved swiftly to undo all the work and progress made by former President Donald Trump. It is no mystery that the Democrats viciously fought against Trump since he won the 2016 election. But while the Biden administration appears to care more about Trump than America, the Southern border continues to collapse. During the Trump administration, the Republican focused a great deal of time and resources on the Southern border and stopping migrants from crossing it illegally. When Biden sat in the Oval Office, the border became an issue for his Vice President, Kamala Harris. Now, after almost two years of neglect, the Biden administration is requesting Arizona remove rail containers used to fill gaps in the border.

The current governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, signed an executive order back in August that granted the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to use rail containers to strengthen the Southern border. Receiving a letter from the United States Department of Interior, the agency wrote, “42 shipping containers on Reclamation rights-of-way within the exterior boundaries of the Cocopah Indian Tribe’s West Reservation.” They later advised, “To avoid interference with this federal agency contract, Reclamation requests DEMA cease further placement of shipping containers on federal or Indian trust lands. You are requested to work with Reclamation, in consultation with the Cocopah Indian Tribe, so that CBP’s project may proceed without unnecessary delay. Reclamation will be reaching out to DEMA to discuss a way forward and requests your cooperation in the removal of the containers.”

When Governor Ducey signed the original executive order, he declared, “Arizona has had enough. We can’t wait any longer. For the last two years, Arizona has made every attempt to work with Washington to address the crisis on our border. Time and time again, we’ve stepped in to clean up their mess. Arizonans can’t wait any longer for the federal government to deliver on their delayed promises.”

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There are currently over 120 containers spreading along the border in Arizona, hoping to deter migrants from trying to cross. A spokesman for Governor Ducey, C.J. Karamargin, criticized the Biden administration, explaining that such a request would make the state vulnerable to migrants. “They want us to take down shipping containers and leave gaps open for who knows how long so they can put up what sounds like a chain link fence.”

Allen Clark, who works for the Arizona Emergency and Military Affairs Department, concluded, “The suggestion by any federal bureaucracy that we take action to make the border easier to cross is completely unacceptable. What they’re suggesting, that we take them down and make Arizona less safe, is a non-starter.”

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