Much like Donald Trump, nobody can predict what Kayne West will do next. Since the rapper supported Trump during his campaign, the Democrats and many liberals within Hollywood have criticized his stance and opinions, calling for him to be censored. Recently, West decided to clear the air on many hot topics in America with Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Not long after the interview aired, West, once again, received a mountain of criticism. And if that wasn’t enough, Twitter, which continues its business dealing with Elon Musk, decided to remove West from the platform after he posted what they claimed to be antisemitic statements. But while big tech tries to silence Kayne West, it seems that he will follow in the ways of Musk and buy his own.

Making the announcement on Monday, Kayne West is expected to purchase the social media platform Parler from Parlement Technologies. Known as a conservative platform, the purchase from West strengthens his bond with Republican voters. In a statement, Parlement Technologies detailed how the deal is set to close during the fourth quarter of 2022. “The terms of the proposed transaction would include ongoing technical support from Parliament and the use of private cloud services via Parliament’s private cloud and data center infrastructure.”

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Speaking on the purchase, Parler CEO George Farmer admitted that “this deal will change the world.” He continued it would “change the way the world thinks about free speech. Ye is making a groundbreaking move into the free speech media space and will never have to fear being removed from social media again.”

Adding his voice to the conversation, Kayne West explained, “In a world where conservative opinions are considered to be controversial, we have to make sure we have the right to freely express ourselves.”

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As mentioned above, Kayne West was removed from Twitter after he posted the following tweet, which has been deleted. In the tweet, West said he was “going death con 3 [sic] On JEWISH PEOPLE.”

While Kayne West is censored for his opinion, he did receive support from legendary musician Ted Nugent. The singer said West had “been canceled. He’s been attacked for standing up for Christianity, for standing up for the unborn human life that the left is maniacally scrambling to slaughter. He has identified, as a black man, what you and I cannot say as non-blacks. He has condemned the Democrat party of system of genocide where more black children are murdered in the womb than are even slaughtered on the streets. But the blacks that are slaughtered on the streets are slaughtered by blacks. And the sensationalizing and celebration of obesity in the black community all too often, which is just unhealthy.”

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