For Megan Fisher, a 39-year-old preschool teacher, her life was nothing short of perfect. She worked with people she adored, cherished the time she spent with her students, has three sons, and shared a relationship with a mortgage broker and police officer partner named Matt Owen. Their family appeared to be always expanding as Fisher was pregnant. On October 5th, she prepared her makeup, hoping to travel to the town of Wagga Wagga, which is located in New South Wales in Australia. Sadly, Fisher never made it into town as she suddenly collapsed and died. And like many of the deaths being reported on lately, there has yet to be a reason for why she unexpectedly died.

On Thursday, friends, coworkers, and family all converged at the Alan Harris McDonald Chapel in Wagga Wagga to remember Megan Fisher. The funeral service was accompanied by an honor guard as well. Each of her sons, Josh (19), Levi (9), and Zach (17), lit candles by her side as Owen recounted the moment he met her and the love they shared together.

Included in the funeral service was the reading of the poem She Is Not Gone:

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Ease your grief, she is not gone, For, in your heart, she lingers on. Her smile, her laugh, her special way, Will comfort you from day to day.

You’ll feel her presence in the breeze, That dances gently through the trees. And it’s her face that you shall see When you’re in need of company.

At any time, you can recall, The love you shared… you saved it all. And in time, more than anything, You’ll find peace in remembering.

Again, like many of the recent deaths that have yet to be thoroughly explained, Megan Fisher was in healthy physical condition. Her brother, Ben, admitted that her cause of death remains unknown and that she was “fit and healthy.” While mourning her death, he added, “The more people you talk to, the more you realize everyone has the same opinion that Megan was so loved.”

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It should also be noted that Megan Fisher was more than a school teacher at the Goodstart Early Learning Estrella, she was a nutritionist who knew the importance of a healthy diet. The learning center posted a heartfelt message on Facebook, reading, “Megan was someone who was warm and kind and easily made beautiful reciprocal relationships with the children in her care. She was a wonderful, inspiring, and generous educator, coworker, and friend. She will be greatly missed by all that knew her.”

Giving a glimpse into her life, over 500 people donated to the NSW Police Legacy fundraiser to help the family through this tragic time. The family received more than $43,000 in donations.

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